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Next General gathering - Tuesday March 11th
Our next gathering will be held at 7pm in the main sanctuary of Admiral Church on SW Hill St.
The Admiral Neighborhood Association (ANA) is comprised of residents, businesses, and others who care about the diverse environmental, economic and social sustainability of our Admiral neighborhood. We believe in maintaining a quality of life for everyone and exist to inclusively serve our neighbors and our community.
New individual and Business Member opportunities ... click here to invest in Admiral with us
Welcome to Seattle's
Admiral Neighborhood
The Admiral neighborhood lies on the northern bluff of the West Seattle peninsula (accurately titled the Duwamish Peninsula, after the local Indian tribe). It is rich in views and lovely, old homes and maintains a lively restaurant trade plus The Admiral movie theater – a fun, retro experience with nautical décor.
Admiral’s small, thriving commercial district has a good mix of businesses including a choice of large grocery stores. The Hiawatha Community Center and West Seattle Library are located here. Schmitz Park – 53 acres of never-cut forest – is in Admiral.
Admiral’s small, thriving commercial district has a good mix of businesses including a choice of large grocery stores. The Hiawatha Community Center and West Seattle Library are located here. Schmitz Park – 53 acres of never-cut forest – is in Admiral.
The Admiral Neighborhood Association acknowledges that we exist here on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish people, past and present. As we strive to serve our neighbors, our community, and the place we call home we honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish people who have stewarded it since time immemorial.
Admiral Neighborhood Association
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